Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Challenge is About to Begin - May 31 - July 12

So the new Nerd Fitness challenge is going to start May 31 and go six weeks until July 12.  I posted my goals in the forum today for the challenge. 

My goals are:

Diet Goals:
* Paleo, save for 1 meal per week on Sunday's. Averages out to about 95% Paleo. 
* Dairy - par down to 2 servings per week.
* Fruit - par down to 1 serving per day which can be split into multiple meals.

Fitness Goals:
* Start with the dumbbell division workouts of the rebel strength guide.
* Do 2 hours of cardio a week, likely in the form of long bike rides on the weekends.

Life Goals:
* Finish Pulling Tile up in my basement so I can dry-lock/paint it.
* Create a budget for spending and saving, with the aim of saving $250 a month and not having to use it.
* Explore 3 new places in Chicago.

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