Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Rocked It!

Can I just say, I rocked my cardio HIIT training today! Check it:

1 mile elliptical: 9:48
3 miles bike: 10:18
1 mile treadmill: 12:32

I was DRIPPING with sweat by the time I was done.

Eating today was good, nothing overly exciting.

Breakfast: Fried Eggs, Ham, Kiwi & Cheddar Cheese
AM Snack: Apple with Cinnamon, Hard Boiled Egg & 6 Almonds
Lunch: Ham, Green Beans with Bacon & Almonds, Salad
PM Snack: Carrots, Celery, Hard Boiled Egg & 6 Almonds
Dinner: Taco Salad with Sauteed Green Pepper & Onions

I was looking at my end of 2 week progress photos today and I can see a difference!  That is so awesome!

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