Thursday, June 2, 2011

Busy Busy Bee

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz

Today was a pretty relaxing day. I started the morning making some breakfast for Jonas and I. We sat together, ate and chatted before his last day of school. After walking him to school I came home to chill out and shower before my eye doctor appointment. All is well with the eyes, got new glasses then spent some time with my mom until I walked to get Jonas from school.

After school we went for a walk with the dogs and then it was time for my workout. Today I bought something called Pullup Revolution to see if it could help me with pullups. I watched the video first and it did slow my negatives a bit, but I still feel like I just jump up and fall... this at least helped me fall slower. I also realized my 20lb dumbbells just won't cut it for heavy lifting. Heh. For my push-up sets today I did as many full ones as I could do then finished with knees until I hit sets of 20. For the last set of bent over rows I went until exhaustion since the weights really were too light. Side planks? I did them with the top hand in the air!

Workout C Stats:

  • Pull-Ups (Neg Assisted) 5x5 -- Slower Negatives?
  • Push-Ups Max x3 -- 2/18, 3/17, 3/17
  • Bent Over Rows 5x5 -- 20lb, 20lb, 20lb+10 Reps
  • Side Planks -- 30s,30s,30s,30s

Eating today? Yeah, very low... Combination of not hungry, and being too busy to think about eating... until dinner. Then I was famished and didn't feel like cooking. LOL!

Noms Nommed:

  • Breakfast - Bacon & Fried Eggs
  • Lunch -- Carrots, Italian Beef w/ Mozzerla in a bowl
  • Snack -- Couple slices deli turkey
  • Dinner -- Steak & Shake burger no bun, side salad, side of oranges, bit of fries.

Today was a pretty alright day overall.

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