Sunday, September 19, 2010

Took a week off...

This past week, I didn't track food. I may have tracked some exercise... basically I took the week off while I contemplated my next steps.

Would I continue with South Beach Diet?

Would I continue running?

These were my two biggest quandaries.

Here's what I came up with:

Yes, I will continue with the eating principles of South Beach Diet. Why? I feel better with a higher protein diet. I love my veggies and I can stand behind the principles it was built on. My goal is to limit my grain servings to 3 and my fruit to 2 a day. I am going to write a menu to follow and track my food. I am also going to drink more water. Right now, I'm flavoring it with some oranges to add a bit of natural taste. I am not counting the orange toward my fruit serving.

Running. I am going to aim to run twice a week following the increase pace schedule I created. Once during the week and once on the weekend. I will take Jonas with me for at least one of these runs.

I am going to do pilates at least once a week. I want to do this on Mondays with Melissa, yet I may pick up and do it on Thursdays as well if I can deem I can afford the extra expense.

Twice a week I will do a strength training circuit workout. These will be done at the gym at work. I still need to plan these a bit, but that shouldn't be too difficult to do. In the case that I can not complete this at work, I will do either of Jillian's videos to get this workout in when I get home.

I feel good about going forward. I look forward to what the future brings.

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